What is holiness? Holiness invites us to live in the present moment and respond in love. Holiness seeks compassion and justice. Holiness encourages us to become our deepest self. Holiness helps us go against the flow. Holiness is walking with God. Does holiness feel like something distant? Something you can’t quite reach?Pope Francis understands our challenges and recently wrote a document on holiness called Gaudete et Exsultate (Rejoice and Be Glad). In his document, he invites us to discover that holiness is not an impossible task, set aside for certain people. We can all seek holiness in our everyday choices.To help us unpack Pope Francis’s document and explore ways to make life’s ordinary moments extraordinary, our friends at the Archdiocese of Washington created a 30-Day Prayer Journal. Where can you get started? Download the journal (o en Español) and commit to 30 days of self reflection. You might be surprised at what you learn about yourself and how God is at work in your life! You can also join the conversation online using #HolinessIs.