
#RejuvenateTheChurch | Synod 2018

March 18, 2024
October 1, 2018
Grotto's in Rome for the synod 2018. Click here for the details.

This fall, something big is happening in the Church: the Synod on Young People, the Faith, and Vocational Discernment. You might be wondering — what the heck is that?

Well, it's a gathering of bishops to discuss how the Church can better understand our generation.

At Grotto Network, it is our dream to see a rejuvenated and revitalized Church — one that both supports our faith journey and welcomes us into active leadership.

That's why we're going all the way to Rome: to tell the stories of young adults at the Synod and discover the many ways our generation can help #RejuvenateTheChurch. And we want you to join the conversation.

Read more about #RejuvenateTheChurch.

Video Transcript

There's no journey worth taking that didn't start by asking: 'Will I find my way? Will I walk alone? Will I make a mark?'

We're in this together. There's twists, there's turns, there's peaks, there's valleys. And we're looking for adventure along the way. We're headed to the Eternal City, and you are riding shotgun. Grotto's at the Synod.

March 18, 2024
October 1, 2018
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