Welcome to Grotto’s #WhyWeLent campaign!
For many of us, Ash Wednesday and Lent might be a familiar part of spring, but there’s a lot more to this season than having our heads marked with ashes or giving up chocolate for six weeks. Our #WhyWeLent campaign will offer some deeper insights into the Lenten season — follow along throughout these 40 days for more thoughts on the kinds of things that come up when you are trying to deepen your spiritual life.
All of those resources are collected on our #WhyWeLent campaign page, but you can also follow us on Instagram @GrottoNetwork or your favorite social platform to receive a bit of encouragement or wisdom for every day of Lent. It’s a long season — we’re on a 40-day journey to Easter — but it’s a great opportunity for growth. And, as in all things, it’s better when we do it together.
Ready for more?

Video Transcript
40 days to pray, fast, give.You ready? We've got 40 days — 40 days to train for more. Do you have your eyes on the prize? I mean the big, final, ultimate prize. 40 days to pray, to give, to fast. Yeah, we'll slip, but we will break out on the other side transformed. This is why we Lent, and it starts now.#WhyWeLent