
Pope Francis Seeks to End Human Trafficking

December 22, 2023
August 1, 2018
Pope Francis seeks to end human trafficking. Watch what he added to the conversation.|Quote graphic about Pope Francis's call to end human trafficking: "Hear the cry of our many brothers and sisters who are criminally trafficked and exploited. They are not merchandise. They are human beings, and they must be treated as such."

This past Monday, July 30, was World Day Against Trafficking in Persons. Many people took to social media to raise awareness and #EndHumanTrafficking.

Pope Francis joined the conversation with this video released on Instagram.

The Holy Father not only put a spotlight on this issue, but reminded everyone “of the duty to combat this abhorrent plague, a form of modern slavery.”

Will you step up to help #EndHumanTrafficking?

Whether it’s learning about an organization like kite.pride that gives victims of this trade a second chance or volunteering with a group like Destiny Hope, there are countless ways to get involved.

Even something as simple as spreading the word to raise awareness can be a way to live out that duty to stop human trafficking.

As Pope Francis reminded us in a tweet on Monday, “They are human beings and must be treated as such.”

Join us in making an impact today.

Quote graphic about Pope Francis's call to end human trafficking: "Hear the cry of our many brothers and sisters who are criminally trafficked and exploited. They are not merchandise. They are human beings, and they must be treated as such."

Grotto Shares
December 22, 2023
August 1, 2018
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