
Why Don't Catholics Eat Meat on Fridays During Lent?

January 29, 2024
March 12, 2020
Why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays during Lent? Test your Catholic knowledge with this Lenten trivia.|Why don't Catholics eat meat on Fridays during Lent? Test your Catholic knowledge with this Lenten trivia.

And why do Catholics eat fish?

We asked these young adults.For a deeper explanation of why Catholics don't eat meat on Fridays during Lent, check out this Aleteia article.

Video Transcript

Anna: I should know this because I had a lot of mac and cheese and fish sticks on Fridays growing up.

Brian: All I know is on Friday I'm eating tuna. Or pizza.

Sean: Cheese pizza.

Brian: Yeah, that's the classic.

Durrell: Alright, so what from what my understanding was. Back in the day, day, way back...

Tara: It's something that I always did. I guess I never questioned it.

Durrell: See that's confusing me though, because fish is meat. I never got that.

Armando: Fish is fish.

Durrell: No, fish is meat. It bleeds just like meat.

Armando: That's like the water, is water wet?

Lea: In my opinion it's because we need to give up something as a church, so we give up something. And we can all give up meat.

Maria: Because meat can be seen as an expensive object.Durrell: Water's wet in relativity to us. But to a fish, it's not going to be wet because they live in it. But to us, it's wet because of relativity.

Armando: What does it have to do with meat, then?Anna: I always thought it was part of the fasting and abstinence deal. I don't really know a deeper meaning behind it.


Brian: My mother is going to be so disappointed in me.


Durrell: Why?


Lester: Sacrificial perhaps. Does it have to with...

Coty: Okay, okay.

Lester: Okay, we're on to something, okay.

Coty: Okay, so...Lester: Okay, hold on.

Coty: Does it have to do with like ... well if it's sacrifice.Lester: Sacrifice, something to do with the cross then.

Coty: Does it have to do with Jesus' body or something?


Coty: Because on Good Friday, Jesus gave up his flesh when He died on the cross.Yay finally, yes.

Lester: Give me some.

[High five]

Coty: Good job. Is fish not flesh meat?

Armando: Okay.

Durrell: Flesh meat.

Armando: Flesh meat.

Durrell: Oh, that's the adjective. Flesh meat.

Armando: Flesh meat.

Durrell: Okay, all right.

Armando: So fish don't have flesh?

Durrell: You cut it.

January 29, 2024
March 12, 2020
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