
Voices of Synod 2018 | Bill Staley

March 18, 2024
October 21, 2018
This young adult from Synod 2018 speaks to the beauty in the Catholic Church and how the ornate churches contribute to that.

Why lead with beauty? Bill Staley shares what ornate and beautiful churches bring to the Catholic faith — and what he loves about being in Rome.

Video Transcript

A lot of people wonder why Catholic churches spend so much time in making ornate gold structures with beautiful tabernacles or alter scenes.

God crashes from heaven into earth in the Blessed Sacrament. It does take your breath away, which is a beautiful thing, but it's our hymn of praise to God to give Him more glory.

It is so exciting to be in Rome. My favorite place is St. Peter's Basilica, but really and truly to see the Holy Spirit and then the chair of St. Peter looking as if it's floating as the artist intended. The Church is really protected and governed by the Holy Spirit. That's just...every time, it's like seeing it for the first time.

March 18, 2024
October 21, 2018
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