Christmas is the most “extra” time of the year, and Christmas Eve is a moment when the expectations and preparations and logistics and reflectiveness all hit a fever-high pitch. The travel and gifts and family and parties — it’s nearly too much.
We share this illustration by Stephanie Roberts today to let you know that we get it. Even if you’re feeling healthy and strong, this is not an easy day. If you are wrestling with grief or loneliness or an addiction or are just plain overwhelmed, it can be nearly unbearable.
Much of the activity of the season is geared around gifts, but let’s not forget why — they are a reflection of a great gift we’ve all been given. God has become one of us, and not in an exalted way.
Mary and Joseph certainly felt lonely and overwhelmed as they welcomed a new child in a very challenging situation. Can you imagine giving birth in a stranger’s barn? And this is how God decided to share our condition.
That says something about the lengths to which God will go in order to reach us.
So know that you’re not alone. Grotto is standing with you — and God is with you, too.