
Feast of the Guardian Angels | #GrottoMusic

December 5, 2023
October 2, 2020
Listen to this Feast of the Guardian Angels Spotify playlist here.|Listen to this Feast of the Guardian Angels Spotify playlist here.|Listen to this Feast of the Guardian Angels Spotify playlist here.|Listen to this Feast of the Guardian Angels Spotify playlist here.

October 2 is the Feast of Holy Guardian Angels.

When you think of the guardian angels, you might associate them with childhood memories. Many of us will recall the “Angel of God” bedtime prayer and that one iconic picture of the angel watching the two children crossing the rickety bridge. But guardian angels are much more than a nice story to comfort young children.

Our guardian angels are actually ever-present in our lives — uniquely assigned to accompany each one of us from the moment we first began. Our knowledge of guardian angels is based on the words of Jesus and other depictions of angels that appear in the Bible. Saints and theologians over the centuries have furthered our understanding of these companions.  

When angels show up in the Bible, they often begin their announcement by saying, “Be not afraid.” That simple fact tells us that their appearance was frightening. Angels are not cute and simple in appearance like Precious Moments porcelain angels — they appear otherworldly, mighty, and strong. Which makes sense: one of their primary jobs is to defend us during the toughest battles in our lives. Guardian angels protect us from physical harm and provide guidance as we navigate difficult decisions.

This upbeat playlist has been curated to remind us of the bold, spirited presence of our guardian angels — those otherworldly companions who light, guard, rule, and guide us on our journey.

December 5, 2023
October 2, 2020
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