Happy Memorial Day!If you are like members of the Grotto team, you are probably celebrating the unofficial start to summer — enjoying the launch into the summer BBQ season, long weekends, and adventures with friends and family. In the midst of your celebration (hopefully it’s a beautiful day in your corner of the world), we invite you to take a few minutes to get to know Fr. Capodanno, a marine, who lost his life in battle on September 4, 1967.
Fr. Capodanno’s witness is bold. It challenges us to think about how we can serve those around us and learn to put others’ needs before our own. We might not be called to serve on the battlefield, but each of us, in our own communities, can give a little more to make the world a more just and compassionate place.And before you head out to that Memorial Day BBQ, don’t forget to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for those who offered their lives to protect our freedom. And pray, too, for peace and for an end to war and conflictFr. Capodanno, pray for us!