Can you identify the biographies of famous saints — in emoji?
Here are two examples — can you guess who they are?
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The first is St. Peter — Jesus told him he would make him a “fisher of men” before naming him the “rock” on which the Church would stand. He walked on the water toward Jesus, and denied the Lord during his trial before the cock crowed three times. Jesus gave him the keys to heaven and hell.
The second is St. Paul, who was converted when he was thrown to the ground by a vision of the Lord. He traveled the ancient world to spread the faith, was shipwrecked and imprisoned, and we still read his letters at Mass today. He was killed by being beheaded.
Here’s a tougher one:
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If you guessed Mary, you’d be right! The angel announced her pregnancy, and she gave birth to Jesus under a star. She made the trip to Egypt on a donkey, and a prophecy told her that her heart would be pierced with sorrow. She told Jesus to turn water into wine at the wedding at Cana, and mourned his death on the cross. When she died, she was assumed into heaven, and we pray with her in the Rosary.
Our quiz will be a little easier: We give you the names of eight popular saints and ask you to match the names with their emoji-biographies. Download the quiz by filling out the form below and let us know how you did @GrottoNetwork! Or write the story of your own favorite saint and share the emojis with us on social media!