God is love. God is love. Boundless, endless, infinite love. Love for all, love for each colorful contour of our souls. God is love — what a joyful refrain!
So as we celebrate love at Grotto in its many forms and amongst many narratives, we also celebrate God’s love for the LGBTQ+ community. A community of incredible joy in the face of incredible hardship, a community marginalized but unbroken. A community of our friends, our families, ourselves.
We’re so thankful you’re with us at Grotto Network — whether as a content creator or community member — and we want to celebrate your story at any time of the year. So know you always have a home in our hearts and a place on our platform. Happy Pride — this June and all year round!
With lots of love,
Grotto Network
Related stories:
How I Found Community As a Queer Catholic
Learning to Say 'God is Love' When You're Gay
The Gift of Growing Up 'Different'