Saint Lucy — or Saint Lucia, named after “lux” which means ‘“light” in Latin — was born in Syracuse, Italy. While little is known about her, many different legends and stories center on her bravery, faithfulness to the Lord, and generosity.
As a young woman living in the third century, she was expected to get married. However, she desired to dedicate her life to serving only the Lord, so she remained steadfast on not getting married and regardless of threats, she remained faithful to the Lord. Eventually, she was martyred by a sword that pierced her throat.
If you’ve ever seen depictions of St. Lucy, you’ll notice she is often holding a plate with eyes on them. Legend says that her eyes were taken and concludes that God miraculously restored Lucy's eyesight. That is why St. Lucy is known as the patron saint of the blind.
Her story is one that teaches us not to conform to what the world dictates we should do. We hope this playlist centered on the theme of light and closeness to God can encourage you on your own walk towards the Lord.
St. Lucy, pray for us.