
Percussionist Makes Music Using Nature's Instruments

December 19, 2023
July 20, 2020
Watch how this percussionist creates nature music.

Jesse Armerding used to make music on the streets of New York City. Now, he finds a better environment for his percussion music in nature. He uses natural elements, such as a hollowed-out tree trunk, to create his beats and melodies.

"There is a sonic treasure. And people are going by it all the time, and it's hiding in plain sight. That's such the theme of what's been fun about a lot of this."

Video Transcript

Meet Jesse Armerding: percussionist

Ipswich, Massachusetts

(Jess stomps and claps in the middle of a street that goes through a canopy of trees)

Jesse Armerding: See, I was doing Stomp in New York. It could be 3:00 a.m. on a Tuesday, and there's just always three to nine layers of sound going on. And there is with nature, too. I mean, if we stop and listen, there's like five sounds going on right now, but it just feels a lot more in line with my nervous system.

Jesse creates percussive music by foraging in nature.

I told one of my drummer collaborator friends, "You gotta come up and check out this tree." And he was like, "What?" I was like, "I promise you, I promise you, you need to see this. Just trust me."


(In a wooded area, Jesse and two friends drum on a fallen, hollow tree trunk with drumsticks)

(Camera pans across treetops)

(Jesse walks through the woods)

That was so crazy to me. There is a sonic treasure. And people are going by it all the time, and it's hiding in plain sight. That's such the theme of what's been fun about a lot of this.

(Camera pans across treetops)

December 19, 2023
July 20, 2020
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