Friday is the worldwide day of prayer for Muslims, which makes it all the more troubling that it’s when a gunman interrupted services in Christchurch, New Zealand to take nearly 50 lives and wound 20 others in an act of terror and hate.
As people of faith — as human beings — let’s gather around our Muslim brothers and sisters, especially today. No one should be fearful to gather with their community to worship God.
For us Catholics, this Lenten season is a time to open our hearts to those in need or are suffering. No matter where they might live, all Muslims are suffering today because of this violence. We all are.
The best place to start is to take a moment to reach out to our Muslim friends and neighbors with a message of support. And if you don’t know any Muslims, here are five other ways you can reach out to tangibly offer solidarity.
Join us in offering prayers for those who died and those who are suffering because of this attack:
Almighty and merciful God, all that You have created is good and your compassion for the mistakes of humanity knows no limits.
We ask You to keep in peace the world and its people, especially our brothers and sisters in Christchurch. We entrust to you those who have been killed in these acts of inhuman violence. Heal the bodies and hearts of the wounded. Console us with Your strength and take away our hatred.
May we all return to the way of peace and goodness, and respect the life and for the dignity of every human being — regardless of religion, origin, status, or race. In Your mercy, hear our prayer. Amen.