Finals week is upon us. Whether your cramming for a test or preparing to defend your thesis — you are not alone in feeling like it's time to concentrate and get sh*t done.
And if you think music helps you do your best work, you're probably right. Recent scientific research revealed that, for most people, listening to music while you work can actually improve your speed and accuracy. Different kinds of music can even assist you in accomplishing a variety of tasks from ramping up your productivity to helping you drown out distractions.
This week, we put together the best playlist to get you through study days and finals week (or even that big report you have coming up at work)! We've included classical tunes for problem-solving, ambient music to maximize productivity, and even a few upbeat rhythms to help you work quickly and focus on the details.
So grab another cup of coffee, put your headphones in, and get ready to do your best work.