
St. Valentine Spotify Playlist | #GrottoMusic

December 22, 2023
February 14, 2021
St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.|St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.|St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.|St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.|St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.|St. Valentine Spotify Playlist for the patron saint of marriages, February 14.

One of the most recognizable saintly feast days, the feast day of St. Valentine of Rome is celebrated on February 14th.

Killed in the 3rd century in Rome, not much is known about his life. A bishop, he refused to denounce his faith when confronted by Roman officials including, allegedly, Claudius II, Emperor of Rome. It is also said that in the name of Jesus he healed the blind daughter of a Roman jailor or judge, who then converted to Christianity. He is the patron saint of happy marriages, beekeepers, and love.

Get to know St. Valentine through this playlist inspired by his life — featuring Johnnyswim, The Lumineers, and Lana Del Rey, and a theme of love (of course).

If the entire playlist isn't loading below, click on the Spotify logo to listen to the full playlist on Spotify.

December 22, 2023
February 14, 2021
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