
What is a Ciborium?

March 6, 2024
July 29, 2018
What is a ciborium? In this episode of Catholic101, we ask these young adults. Do you know?

Can you guess the meaning of 'ciborium'? Can you pronounce it? We asked these young adults in our latest round of Catholic 101 trivia!

Video Transcript

Natural: Ciborium.

Francois: Ciborium.

Kevin: I don't even know how to pronounce it right.

Channing: Do we get like three hints?

Sarah: Phone a friend.

Channing: Can we—

Randy: I think it's an atomic element.

Robert: You're right, you're right.

Randy: Ciborium. It's on the periodic table.

Tommy: Is that what holds the—

Robert: I'm going to say it's a hallway. I'll go with a hallway.


Tommy: The unconsecrated host, or consecrated host?


Natural: This has to do with a bowl, right? Is this the bowl where the Eucharist is in?

Grotto: Ciborium. A bowl or chalice-shaped vessel to hold the consecrated hosts for the distribution of Holy Communion.

LeShane: Oh. Okay.

Rachel M.: Maybe next time.

LeShane: Yeah, I think we'll get the next one correct. And now I know that.

March 6, 2024
July 29, 2018
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