November 2 is All Souls’ Day — a day to remember in a special way all those who have died, and to offer prayer for their souls. We are invited to pray not only for those we knew and loved on this Earth, but all who have gone before us throughout our human history.
In this way, we are reminded of the powerful connection we share with all of our ancestors: those who lived, loved, lost, made mistakes, sought forgiveness, and have now been (temporarily) separated soul from body. We recall those who experienced long, full lives on this earth as well as those whose lives were kept short: perhaps lost to miscarriage or in the first few hours or days after birth.
While it is natural for us to grieve each loss, God has also given us hope in the knowledge that we will be reunited again. When we say we believe in the “resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come,” it reminds us that our separation from one another and from our bodies is not permanent. Until that final day comes, we pray for the dead, that they may experience the unfathomable love of God in heaven.
This playlist follows the journey of a soul from death to purgation to a new life of light. As you listen, you may wish to light a candle or a bonfire, pour yourself a drink, and send a toast and your prayers to the blessed dead.