

What is Lent? Catholic Trivia

January 29, 2024
February 13, 2018
What is Lent? Quiz yourself with this Lenten trivia.

How does your Lenten knowledge stack up to these students' and recent grads'?

Video Transcript

Brian: “What is Lent?” Got it?

What is Lent?

Sean: Me? Okay. Um…

Randy: It's the stuff that builds up in your pockets after a while and then you like pick it out.

Robert: Isn't it a vegetable?

Anna: The 40 days leading up to … um …

Coty: Like fasting, something like …

Lester: A religious practice, like devotion.

Coty: Yeah.

Armando: It's that time to build your relationship with God and really take time to reflect on yourself.

Maria: It's like our time to be in remembrance of what Christ has done for us. And so we do that in signs of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.

Robert: No, it's the derivative of lentil. Okay.

Randy: Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We’re in this together. Lent.

January 29, 2024
February 13, 2018
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