
St. Vincent de Paul Spotify Playlist | #GrottoMusic

December 22, 2023
September 27, 2019
Who was St. Vincent de Paul? Listen to this Spotify playlist inspired by his life.|Who was St. Vincent de Paul? Listen to this Spotify playlist inspired by his life.|St-Vincent-de-Paul-Square

Vincent de Paul was born to a poor French family on April 24, 1581. After receiving a formal education from the Franciscans, he tutored wealthy children in order to study theology at the University of Toulouse.

After being ordained a priest, Vincent devoted his life to helping the poor. To help evangelize and take care of people, he founded the Ladies of Charity and the Congregation of Priests of the Mission (the Vincentians). Together, these men and women cared for the sick by building hospitals and by preaching the Word of God.

Later on in his life, Vincent continued his missionary work by co-founding the Daughters of Charity with St. Louise de Marillac, an organization that has more than 15,000 members today.

Because of his dedication to the poor, Vincent is also known as “The Apostle of Charity” and “The Father of the Poor.”

Vincent died on September 27, 1660, and was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on June 16, 1737. His feast day is September 27. St. Vincent de Paul is the patron saint of charitable societies.

Get to know this great servant of the poor through our Spotify playlist inspired by his life and legacy — featuring artists Ike Ndolo and Zuriel Merek and themes of helping others and changing the world.

December 22, 2023
September 27, 2019
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