
Father's Day Gift Ideas That Go Above and Beyond

November 28, 2023
June 9, 2019
Fathers-Day-Gift-Guide|Father's Day Gift Guide|Father's Day Gift Guide 1|Fathers-Day-Gift-Guide-Square

Father’s Day is one of the most cliché gifting events of the year. I mean, how many ties, grill supplies, and fan gear can he handle?!If that’s what your dad loves, then at least he’s made it easy on you! But if you’re looking to give him a gift with a little more meaning, then we’ve got the perfect gift guide for you.This Father’s Day, one of these thoughtful gifts will help you connect with your dad in a more meaningful way.

St. Joseph Socks from Sock Religious

Well, if you’re going to get him socks, make them interesting!Sock Religious puts a Catholic spin on socks, so this is a great way to show your dad that you see the ways that faith has touched his life and yours. The St. Joseph socks are a great fit because Joseph was the foster-father of Jesus — he raised Jesus in their Jewish faith and protected the Holy Family in danger. Though he never said a word that is recorded in the Bible, his example spoke volumes — a quirk that is captured with the empty quotation marks on the bottom of these socks!There is an impressive array of other saints, so maybe there are other connections you can make with these socks. Is your dad Irish? How about St. Patrick socks? Does he like the outdoors? How about Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati on a mountaintop?

Fair Trade coffee (endorsed by CRS Ethical Trade!)

The only thing better than getting Dad a gift that he loves is getting him a gift that gives back. The Grotto team trusts CRS Ethical Trade to help us find vendors that sell fair trade, environmentally friendly, and ethically produced products. Plus, buying from one of these vendors includes a donation to the CRS Fair Trade Fund with every purchase!CRS Ethical Trade has rounded up Fair Trade certified coffee and tea vendors from around the world to make shopping easy for you.Explore ethical, delicious coffee and tea.

Quality time

Instead of a t-shirt or cap of Dad’s favorite team, consider getting dad tickets to go see a game (with you!), instead. Even if you don’t live near his team of choice, even getting to see a local minor league team play would be fun.Or, if Dad isn't a sports guy, what about tickets to see a band he likes later this summer? No matter what activity you decide, the best gift will be getting to spend time with you.

Invite him to Mass

Do you know how important it is for fathers to go to Mass? Almost essential. If you grew up Catholic, then you probably know that attending Mass is central to practicing the faith. In the Mass, you can spend time with your dad and your Father in heaven.Whether you (or Dad) go to daily Mass or haven’t been in months, celebrating his special day with Mass will be a gift for both of you. Plus, most parishes do a special blessing for fathers in the Mass on Father’s Day.From all of us at Grotto Network, happy Father’s Day! St. Joseph, patron saint of fathers, pray for us!

November 28, 2023
June 9, 2019
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