

"Jacob's Song" by Brother Isaiah

December 22, 2023
December 11, 2017
A still from Brother Isaiah's "Jacob's Song."

Brother Isaiah and his brother friar were walking through lower Manhattan with a guitar when a homeless man called out to them and requested a song. His name was Jacob. Brother Isaiah sat down next to him and played him this song.After he finished playing, they gave the man a miraculous medal and continued on their way. The homeless man ran up behind them and asked for another song. Brother Isaiah pointed to a Catholic church they were standing in front of that was about to begin a Eucharistic healing service.“There is music in there,” Brother Isaiah said.The man walked inside.Here's the full story of Brother Isaiah and “Jacob’s Song” on Aleteia.

Grotto Shares
December 22, 2023
December 11, 2017
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