
Stories of People Who Found Where They Belong

December 12, 2023
December 6, 2021
Watch why Joyce Wanjiku Kair spends time taking care of the elderly, a service most Kenyan families cannot afford.

At this point in our lives, it’s hard to know where we belong. Once we’ve moved out — whether that’s for college or for, you know, the rest of our lives — we’re haunted by the need to feel at home. 

It’s so challenging to find your people and a place where you are embedded into the fabric of the community. Until that picture starts to come into focus, we feel restless and disconnected. One of the tasks of this stage of life for our generation is to find that sense of belonging — to build a home, so to speak. 

In other words, we’re looking for ways to put down roots

It can help to have the examples of others who have gone before us. Many of the people in our #GrottoStories have been looking for a way to feel at home, so instead of waiting for a community to come to them, they took matters into their own hands. They reached out to make an impact in their community, and that investment allowed them to make connections. 

These are people who found a way to put down roots. They engaged the people and places where they landed — especially where they found a need — and that commitment unlocked a door for them to feel at home. 

So if you find yourself in the same situation — looking for a place to belong — sit down and give this playlist a watch.

December 12, 2023
December 6, 2021
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