
St. Thomas the Apostle Spotify Playlist | #GrottoMusic

December 5, 2023
July 3, 2020
Listen to these songs that remind us of the journey of St. Thomas the Apostle.|Listen to these songs that remind us of the journey of St. Thomas the Apostle.|Listen to these songs that remind us of the journey of St. Thomas the Apostle.|Listen to these songs that remind us of the journey of St. Thomas the Apostle.

Poor St. Thomas — he is the disciple who refused to believe until he put his hands to the wounds of Christ and suddenly recognized the Lord. His name has become synonymous with disbelief and doubt. But can we really blame the guy? His beloved friend and mentor has just been brutally murdered and now his friends are telling him that Jesus has actually risen from the grave and walked before them. Of course he’d doubt such a claim!

But what matters more is that Jesus offered his wounds to Thomas. He invited Thomas to bear witness to his suffering, to see and touch where agonizing pain had been inflicted. Those wounds become a place for Thomas — and all of us — to meet the risen Lord and to recognize God’s healing and transforming love. 

Jesus invited Thomas to feel his wounds, but he also invites us to show our wounds to him in turn. How might we open ourselves — both our hearts and our scars — more fully to a God who loves us all the more for them?

This playlist, compiled by Grotto and our online community, speaks to that journey of Thomas — from loss and disbelief to wonder and invitation. We hope it sparks the same wonder and joy St. Thomas discovered when he finally recognized the risen Lord before him.

If the entire playlist isn’t loading below, click on the Spotify logo to listen to the full playlist on Spotify.

December 5, 2023
July 3, 2020
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