
Baking Cakes for Kids with Life-Threatening Illnesses

March 27, 2024
February 8, 2019
Watch how this organization has found a way to cheer up sick kids: by baking cakes!

This week Grotto catches up with Jordan Ramsey, a volunteer and home baker. She's sharing about Icing Smiles, an organization that provides cakes for kids with life-threatening illnesses to bring joy to them and their families.

Video Transcript

Jordan Ramsey: My name is Jordan Ramsey. Icing Smiles is an organization that provides custom cakes for kids with life-threatening illnesses, critical illnesses, and their siblings.

These cakes can help with birthdays or maybe a last treatment of chemo — something that they could use a celebration for. Icing Smiles pairs up a volunteer baker with a family that has a child with a critical illness. We then take what the child really likes, and we try to come up with a custom-themed cake for that child. This is really special to me because this is an organization that, if it was around when I was a kid, I would have been able to benefit from. My sister had a rare genetic disorder that affected her heart called Loeys-Dietz syndrome, so we grew up in hospitals and healthcare.

You don't have to be a professional baker to bake for Icing Smiles, you just have to love baking and want to share that with others. The best thanks that you can get is from the parents and then maybe a picture later seeing them smiling just seeing the cake for the first time, which is awesome.

Looking for new ways to volunteer, subscribe to Grotto Network.

March 27, 2024
February 8, 2019
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