
10 Inspiring Twitter Accounts to Uplift Your Feed

January 10, 2024
July 6, 2019

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Twitter is a dumpster fire.

It’s a hot mess of quick, hoping-to-be-clever “takes” and often intentionally inflammatory comments — and at 280 characters a tweet, it’s hardly the place for nuanced, careful dialogue. So occasionally, I’m left to wonder why I bother spending time there.

But I truly believe in the power of good in social media, and I want to be a part of that good. My master’s thesis looked at how Catholics talk about prayer on social media — and one of the ideas that came up over and over again was how we can enter spaces where people already are and witness to the good that there is in the world. That vision inspires me to remain a part of Twitter, where I can shed a little light (and make some really lame jokes).

Part of the deal I’ve made with myself to be active on Twitter without losing my mind has been to carefully curate my feed. This is different from putting myself in an echo chamber, and I’m doing my best to not intentionally follow only people who agree with me — in fact, I try to follow thoughtful people with whom I disagree on anything from religion to politics.

The most important practice for me has to been to surround myself with accounts that embrace and showcase beauty and joy — and not those that spread hatred or negativity. With that in mind, I’ve created a roundup of some of my favorite Twitter accounts that help bring a little joy and light to my feed.

Nathan W. Pyle @nathanwpyle

You’ve probably seen at least one or two of the Strange Planet comics floating around recently. Nathan’s comics and art are an absolute delight. He takes the simplest things that we never think about, the ordinary moments in life, and brings charm and fun to them with his comics. He’s also known to narrate the lives of the pigeons he sees around him in New York on Sundays, and it’s all oddly sweet and inspiring.

A recent favorite tweet:

Tea with Tolkien @TeawithTolkien

Kaitlyn Facista is the perfect follow if you love earl grey, elevensies, and going on an adventure — or hiding out in the Shire. Kaitlyn is a self-described “hobbit at heart” who loves the works of Tolkien — she writes and podcasts frequently about how he’s impacted her faith life. Her Twitter page is filled with everything from cute baby pictures and super-nerdy jokes to crafting to reflections on the pain and healing associated with miscarriage. She showcases the beauty of a wholly holy, everyday life.

A recent favorite tweet:

the ideal man
1. wizard’s pupil
2. would not snare an orc with a falsehood
3. would not take the Ring if it were lying on the highway
4. prince of Ithilien
5. it’s Faramir

— Tea with Tolkien (@TeawithTolkien) June 6, 2019

Tommy Tighe @theghissilent

Every single thing Tommy tweets is phenomenal. Seriously — most people have bad days, but he continues to knock it out of the park with hilarious, niche, weird tweets sprinkled with moments from his everyday life as a dad and husband. He’s a Catholic counselor with a fantastic sense of humor. It’s so hard to pick just one favorite tweet of his — and I’ve been known to send several of his recent tweets in a row to my husband when I look at them.

A recent favorite tweet:

To: Parish Council
Subject: grilling brats and burgers outside of mass instead of donuts


To whom it may concern:




please excuse the brevity and/ or typos, as this message was sent from my iPhone

— Tommy Tighe (@theghissilent) May 22, 2019
Jeannie Gaffigan @jeanniegaffigan

You might know Jim Gaffigan, the comedian you can watch with your kids who talks about what it’s like to be a dad to five kids. But you may not know about his wife, Jeannie. She co-writes and produces all his specials, and she’s a brilliant witness to being a mom and an incredible person. About a year ago, she underwent surgery to remove a life-threatening brain tumor, and she’s documented every step of her progress — from creating a mini-series on what it was like eating via a feeding tube to how her older kids had to take on new responsibilities during her recovery. Her profile is a real-life example of courage and joy in the face of pain.

A favorite tweet:

Jonathan Blevins

Jonathan Blevins is brother to Ninja, the most famous Fortnite player on the planet. Jonathan works for a parish, but is also into streaming — if you’re a gamer, you’ll enjoy the clips and tips in his feed, and even if you're not, you'll appreciate his perspective on how we can use gaming — or our other hobbies — to bring people together and spread joy, rather than competition. He also does a great job showing what life as a dad and a regular guy — who hates umbrellas — is like.

A recent favorite tweet:

Matt Cashore @mattcashore

Sometimes the accounts I follow to find beauty and joy show it to me through words and thoughts — but in Matt’s case, it’s all about straight-up visual beauty. Matt is one of two staff photographers at the University of Notre Dame, and he often takes to Twitter to share his favorite pictures of campus, as well as of beautiful people doing wonderful things. Whether you’re a Notre Dame grad or not, his landscapes and the way he can capture the joy on an individual’s face will inspire you.

A recent favorite tweet:

Every Color @everycolorbot

Okay, friends…this one is weird. But just trust me: it’s a must in my feed. I love design, and color, and all things Photoshop, so when I discovered this account I decided I had to follow along. It’s a bot account created by Twitter user @vogon, and all it does is produce colors and their hex codes. Not only do you get some calming, controversy-free colors in your feed, you also have the tools to use them in any design you want. That’s right — it’s relaxing and inspirational.

A recent favorite tweet (I love blue):

We Rate Dogs @dog_rates

This account might not immediately appeal if you’re not a pet person, but give it a chance. We Rate Dogs does exactly what it says: it rates dogs. Don’t you worry, every dog gets a very good rating — because every dog is very good. Enjoy adorable pictures and glimpses into the lives of some precious pups.

A recent favorite tweet:

Lin-Manuel Miranda @Lin_Manuel

You probably already know all about the creator of Hamilton, and his endless excitement for life and all things music. Lin is so passionate and zealous about life, though, that his Twitter page has become a repository for all sorts for joy and inspiration — he puts it out there for the taking for anyone who needs it. He regularly encourages people to take “moments” or “weekends” off of social media, and when he’s around, he’ll share “g’morning” and “g’night” messages meant to inspire everyday people and make sure no one has to start or end their day without a caring and loving greeting.

A recent favorite tweet:

Grotto Network @grottonetwork

Okay, so this one might seem like a bit of a cop-out — but it’s true. I love following Grotto on Twitter for the daily reflections and #GrottoMoments — but also because the posts shared each day remind me that I’m not alone. They help me to walk in faith and in life with other young people, and to do so while being inspired by some really great ideas.

A recent favorite tweet:

Molly Cruitt
January 10, 2024
July 6, 2019
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