New Year’s resolutions — 60 percent of us make them on January 1. But these resolutions get a bad rep for being superficial goals that most people don’t follow through on. Critics say that January 1 is an arbitrary date to start working toward a goal and people don’t always think through what it would take to achieve it. Some people have rejected the phrase “New Year’s resolutions” and focus on making S.M.A.R.T. goals instead.
At Grotto Network, we’re pretty neutral on the issue of what to name the goal-setting process for the new year. But we’re glad that people use the new year to think about a personal goal or habit they’d like to use to improve themselves. It’s never a bad thing to try to be the best version of yourself.
We’re sharing our New Year's resolutions and goals to both inspire you and make you laugh. And if you need a little extra help figuring out what you want to do to kick off the new decade, check out this guide to making meaningful resolutions this year.

Javi: I am very bad at swimming. I have started trying to incorporate laps into my weekly routine and it has so far been an exercise in embarrassing myself in front of the very bored-looking lifeguards. In the new year, I’m hoping to improve form and breathing so I’m not constantly on the verge of drowning. Losing the floaties would be nice as well.
Jessie: My new goal is to limit my fast-fashion purchases. I love a good deal, but I find myself falling FAR too easily into the trap of buying clothes simply because they're cheap (it’s something about that clearance tag!). To put this into practice, I'm going to make a tangible list of clothing needs and prioritize saving up for quality products or look for them at thrift stores. And because even that probably won’t be enough, I’m asking my roommate/shopping partner to hold me accountable!
Josh L.: I recently started drinking 100 oz. of water per day. Now, my skin isn’t as dry and I have far more energy. I’m resolving to continue this healthy habit even after the thrill of newness has worn off. So, call me “the waterboy” because this medulla oblongata will be HYDRATED.
Erin: I lose everything. My mama always said to me, “You’d lose your head if it wasn’t attached to your neck!” She wasn’t wrong. It’s because I try to do everything so quickly that I forget where I place some things… and some people. My New Year's goal is to slow down a bit and not allow my fear of “wasting” time to make me so careless with my things. I’m sick of buying new headphones!
Josh N: My goal for the new year is to preserve good boundaries between work and family life. Any job will take (and reward) as much extra mental energy and free time you allow it, but that kind of effort will start to impinge on life at home. No one has unlimited resources in time and attention, and nothing is more important to me than our family life. If I can’t honestly say I’m giving 100% to them first, then nothing I can accomplish at work will mean anything. I’ve never regretted holding lines that prioritized home life, and I intend to continue to maintain those lines with vigilance.
Becky: My goal for the new year is to make more environmentally-conscious decisions in my daily life. This includes purchasing clothes second-hand or from ethical and environmentally-friendly brands, limiting my single-use plastic consumption, adopting a more plant-focused diet, and choosing to walk, bike, or carpool instead of driving by myself (whenever possible). Caring for creation and the future of our climate is so important! These goals will not only benefit the environment, but my overall health as well.
Liz: My goals in the upcoming year revolve around patience. It’s easy to get caught up in needing to get things done on time or sticking to a routine at home, especially with an infant and toddler. Cutting people (namely, myself) some slack when things don’t go as planned is important as I start this next decade.
Tara: One of my goals for the new year is to make sure I get enough sleep each night! Although I’m not staying up as late as I did throughout college to complete assignments and cram for exams, I’m still a big night owl. Getting enough sleep each night is necessary to stay healthy and get through each day!
Ben: My resolutions for the new year are to 1) follow a regular routine of prayer and working out, and 2) make more intentional time with friends and family by checking in with them more.