
Community Garden Feeds Neighborhood | Little Ways: Grow

January 29, 2024
February 23, 2018
Watch how this volunteer works with her local community garden to provide fresh food to her local community.

This week, Grotto catches up with Camille Pierre to learn about her volunteer work with a non-profit community garden. "The idea is to improve the diet of the entire neighborhood," she explains.

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Video Transcript

Camille Pierre: My name is Camille, and I have volunteered with Unity Gardens for, I guess, the past year now.

It's to provide free food to the community. So the nonprofit is actually growing food for the community that anybody, whether or not they help in the garden, can come and take. So the idea is to improve the diet of the entire neighborhood.

I had heard of Unity Gardens, and we did it with the dorm but I didn't know how, so I just started Googling it. I was just looking for a way to get in contact with them, and I just ended up emailing Sara Stewart and saying, "I'm a girl at Notre Dame and I want to volunteer, and I don't even have a car. So I don't know if there's a way that I could do that."

Sometimes you have those things where you're just like, the night before, "I've got a lot of work to do, and I don't really want to go." I would say that every time you go and volunteer, it renews your need to volunteer because you go do it and you're like, "That was so fun." I feel like I just had such a great time. It's such a positive experience that it's self-motivating.

January 29, 2024
February 23, 2018
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